Friday, October 2, 2009


Permaculture was founded, at least partly, as a result of David Holmgren and Bill Mollison coming to the conclusion that politics was more a part of the problem than a solution to real challenges. They postulated that humans could solve most of their problems within a much smaller radius by applying tools, techniques, and biological components to, essentially and very much like an ecosystem, become independent producers and traders in a local milieu. Instead of depending on large dominating systems of trade and government we can learn to depend more on each other for our basic needs to be met.

Permaculture politics is almost an oxymoron as far as national and international politics are concerned. Most national politicians are owned by their pimps, the multinational corporations whose "solutions" are the ones that benefit the few while exploiting the many. I suspect that the majority of Americans, left and right, would prefer a smaller government that messes less with their lives AND HABITATS ('scuse my shouting, but where would we be without a place that feeds, shelters and supports us?). The more we care for a place the more it cares for us. The PLACE we are, lest we forget, is here...

Notice that it doesn't have lines drawn upon it and that it is all connected to itself by great cycles of movement and flow. Some would have us believe that our real LIFE begins AFTER we leave this place. I personally don't think we would be welcome anywhere if we persist in wrecking this place.

Permaculturists learn, usually during the Design Course (if not sooner), that we, people everywhere, have been putting too much faith and trust in monolithic institutions (e.g. economic, political & religious) that do not have our best and immediate interests / needs at heart. We've simultaneously been putting way too little faith in the fecund power of the polycultural biodiverse reality in which we actually arise and upon which we actually depend.
What would (will?) our lives look like when we can say, like this fictional fellow below...
Think about those to whom your independence and intelligence is a threat. Think about those who are threatened by the revelation of their secret-behind-doors actions. You will identify, by doing this, most of the sources for the problems we now suffer. Are we really willing to divest ourselves from the systems that make us more and more dependent or will we really, actually and literally work locally to help each other get what we need? We could, y'know?

The main reason that my 2/3 Acre in southern Indiana has 40 fruit trees and hundreds of species of plants, most of them edible is that I think well-fed neighbors are an excellent defense against those threatened by my freedom. The reason I teach others to do the same is that I think a locally-well-fed community is even better defended.

Caring is supposed to be a common spiritual practice promoted by every religion but our monolithic systems sell us the lie that we will be loved more for what we own and acquire than by what we share and produce. That is not caring. It's abuse.

Caring for our places takes intelligence, long-term observation, study, and disciplined practice to realize. It's also a LOT more fun than the divisive polarizing propaganda of the corporate-owned media since now we make our own news...and it could be good. Those who benefit by our fear pay enormous sums to keep us stressed out and fearful. We're easier to manipulate when we're frightened.

We're in an age and time when fear (and anger) seems like a fairly reasonable response to the multifaceted challenges we face. Fear serves our awakening to the need for actions that yield results. But if we feel fearful AND powerless we have not yet identified the help and allies we need to make real change. The good news is that there is help...and there are allies who are looking to the awakened for help.

Permaculture gives us the tools to be helpful, supportive, productive, healthy, and satisfied on many deep levels...and it's communicable. I hope to communicate some of that help in these pages.

Stay tuned....

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